How to Really Give This Season Through Strategic Shifts

Rebecca Palmer
3 min readDec 21, 2019

How many times have you read a social media post asking you to donate hats, food, money or other items to a local charity or cause? Do not get me wrong — these are important actions — but have you thought about how your donation is helping the intended target? In most cases, the intended target is a living, breathing person; someone who has suffered an injury, illness, loss of housing or other unfortunate events. Your donation of food, clothing and other items fills an immediate need. Your financial donation assists organizations to provide items that are most needed and supports organizations that oversee this process.

In reality though, your donation and many of these organizations are simply providing a bandage solution. They are stemming the flow of blood but not fixing the cause of the injury or removing the festering splinter. To truly benefit your target audience, the end user, the person, we need to look deeper and find the initial cause of the wound, the root issue. Consider why this person needs food? Why do they need clothing? Why do they lack shelter? These questions can only be answered through customer discovery and research. It is only though a deep understanding of the root issue that we can truly create a strategic shift that creates lasting change.



Rebecca Palmer

Rebecca Palmer is a T-Rex enthusiast, futurist and founder of EntreLaunch. When not plotting World Domination, she spends her time training young entrepreneurs.